Comparing Mr. Oldfield’s Class to Other Math Classes

My math class this year is a lot different from the others I have been in. The biggest difference is the amount of time that we are on the computer. We are on Khan Academy a lot in this class. I like Khan Academy, because it gives those who are ahead the opportunity to work ahead. Sometimes, in regular math classes you have to wait for the other people in your class to get to the place you are before you can move on.

Another thing that I really like about this math class are the tests that we take. Our tests are very short. That can be bad, because if you miss one or two problems your grade can be brought down a lot. That isn’t an issue in this class, because we have multiple chances to retake.

Square Root of 111

We are going to find the square root of 111.

First, you find the perfect squares that are closest to 111. In this case they would be 10*10=100 and 11*11=121.

Second, you subtract 100 from 121. (121-100=21), divide that by two. (21/2=10.5), and add that to 100 (100+10.5=110.5) to find the number that is exactly between 100 and 121 and its approximate square root (10.5). I checked what 10.5*10.5 is and the answer is 110.25. Since that is so close to 111, I think that the approximate sqaure root of 11 is either going to be 10.5 or 10.6.

Last, we are going to check what 10.6*10.6 is. It equals 112.36.

Since 110.25 is closer to 111, the square root of 111 is 10.6.

Student-Led Conference

Math class this year has been great for me.  I have learned how to add, subtract, multiply and divide negative numbers better then I did last year. Distributive property has become easier for me this year, too.  I have learned how to solve numbers with negative exponents. I have worked pretty hard when we have gotten on Khan Academy in class. Most of the time I pass what Mr. Oldfield has wrote on the board for the day. I think the my grade should be an A for this nine weeks.